Oídos, Nariz y Garganta


Face lifting

Application of botulinum toxin

The most common therapeutic applications of botulinum toxin are spastic dysphonia, chronic headaches, tension, neck contractures, joint dysfunction with chronic jaw pain, facial spasms, facial asymmetry, etc.. If you compare it with surgery, it is a very cost-effective way to slow the development of wrinkles that form with age in areas of intense gestures like eyebrows, around the eyes, forehead, around the mouth and to improve the facial expression in general. Its effects last up to 6 months. If applied routinely prevents wrinkles appear. If you already have a very visible expression lines helps soften as less marked over time.


Our face is our expression worn and may show more age you really have with the passage of time, the damage of UV rays, poor diet and dehydration can leave lines on our face.

Fortunately, there are new discoveries such as the injection of hyaluronic acid, which is a protein that normally is part of our skin and is responsible for its freshness and youth. The application of hyaluronic acid must be performed by a licensed physician and surgeon skilled in the procedure. Injection selected must be approved by the FDA. It is performed under local anesthesia and almost painless. Their results last from 1-2 years depending on the injected area. Especially recommended for deep nasolabial fold wrinkles, which are formed under the eye bags. To add volume and shape to the lips and deep wrinkles in the rest of the face.

Eyelid Surgery

The eyes are the first to suffer the effects of aging: wrinkles always appear first around the eyes, crow's feet later accompanied by formation of bags under the eyes that give an appearance of sleeplessness and fatigue.

Upper eyelid surgery is very simple, can be done under sedation or in cases where more procedures are performed under general anesthesia. The lower eyelid surgery (to remove the bags) is performed under general anesthesia due to the manipulation of the eye. Practically it is not painful but may be accompanied eatment some love the area so that the patient perform at holiday time is recommended. It is an affordable surgery removes many years and refreshes the look for years.

Facial implants

This is a surgery that burrow under the subcutaneous tissue different materials in specific areas of the face to change the outline or facial features. They can be applied in the jaw, chin, cheekbones, etc. for changes in physical appearance of a person.

Previously multiple silicone implants were placed in other areas of the face, they tended to move and look unnatural. For that reason now fat injection is preferred to give volume. This procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and recovery is rapid and essentially painless. It is most often performed in conjunction with a Rhinoseptoplasty to balance the profile and highlight further the aesthetic results.