Oídos, Nariz y Garganta


Ear Surgery

Ventilation tubes

The placement of ear tubes is the most frequently performed surgery in children in conjunction with adenotonsillectomy or isolated. Is performed when the patient has recurrent or chronic boxes otitis media.

It is a very simple procedure that can be performed even under sedation and involves making a 2 mm incision in the eardrum. Then the accumulated mucus in the ear is drawn and a vent pipe that is a yoyo plastic allows air to freely enter the ear and supplies function Eustachian tube while it returned to normal operation is placed. Typically the tubes will come by themselves once the middle ear recover normal operation and at leaving perfectly healed and leaves the drum smoothly. This happens usually in less than two years period. When this period is prolonged it may be necessary to remove or change them. It is very important that when patients have ear tubes do not allow any water in her ears for any reason.


It is the surgery performed in patients with otosclerosis. Otosclerosis is a progressive hereditary disease that usually occurs in young women and that causes deafness by preventing the proper movement of the ossicles.

In surgery of them is removed and replaced by a prosthesis that again permits the transmission of sound thereby restoring hearing. It is performed under local anesthesia and sedation, it is not painful. Requires very precise care in their recovery.


Surgery is used to patch or replace the tympanic membrane or eardrum when it has been damaged by accident, chronic infections or bad care that no perforation closed spontaneously.

It is performed under general anesthesia and involves taking a graft from the same ear or muscle just behind the ear and place it under the hole in the tympanic membrane. To heal this again allows normal sound transmission prevents middle ear infections and long-term complications such as deafness.